
Step by Step


A disturbingly prophetic account of the events leading up to World War II, this anthology is a collection of Churchill's reporting for the Daily Telegraph and the Evening Standard from 1936 to 1939—tracing Hitler's rise to power, the Nazi invasion of the Rhineland, and other events leading up to the declaration of war.

In the first few years of Nazi ascendance, many European intellectuals and leaders advocated avoiding war and negotiating with Hitler. Churchill is one of the few who understood the scope of the Nazi threat and advocated armament against Germany early on—and his early prescience serves as a fine prediction of his determined stance against Hitler as a World War II leader and statesman.

第14章 ENEMIES TO THE LEFT(2020-09-28 11:38:12)
  • Darkness Visible

    Darkness Visible

    Darkness Visible opens at the height of the London Blitz, when a naked child steps out of an all-consuming fire. Miraculously saved but hideously scarred, soon tormented at school and at work, Matty becomes a wanderer, a seeker after some unknown redemption. Two more lost children await him, twins as exquisite as they are loveless. Toni dabbles in political violence; Sophy, in sexual tyranny. As Golding weaves their destinies together, his book reveals both the inner and outer darkness of our world. "An intensity of vision without parallel." (TLS). "A vision of elemental reality so vivid we seem to hallucinate the scenes…Magic." (New York Times Book Review).
  • Milestones of Flight

    Milestones of Flight

    Milestones of Flight takes readers soaring through the high points of American aviation: from the Wright brothers and their competitors to the military pilots who first circumnavigated the globe, from the initial space rocket to the moon walk, from the earliest manmade satellite to today's spy drones. The book also describes what inventions—such as rocket propulsion, the wind tunnel, and the silicon chip—helped move flight upward and beyond. Profusely illustrated with objects from the Smithsonian's collection, Milestones of Flight provides an inspiring look at America's contributions to aviation. The book includes a bibliography, author's note, and index.
  • 那些激励你前行的声音


  • Earth Apples

    Earth Apples

    While best known for his fiction, Edward Abbey was also an enthusiastic creator of verse. Earth Apples, Abbey's first and only collection of poetry, adds to his literary reputation as an irreverent writer. Whether writing about vast desert landscapes, New York City, or a love of bawdy women, Abbey's verse is eloquent and unapologetically passionate. The poems gathered here, published digitally for the first time, are culled from Abbey's journals and give an insightful and unique glance into the mind of this literary legend.
  • She, Myself, and I

    She, Myself, and I

    Ever since Rosa's nerve disease rendered her quadriplegic, she's depended on her handsome, confident older brother to be her rock and her mirror. But when a doctor from Boston chooses her to be a candidate for an experimental brain transplant, she and her family move from London in search of a miracle. Sylvia—a girl from a small town in Massachusetts —is brain dead, and her parents have agreed to donate her body to give Rosa a new life. But when Rosa wakes from surgery, she can' t help but wonder, with increasing obsession, who Sylvia was and what her life was like. Her fascination with her new body and her desire to understand Sylvia prompt a road trip based on self-discovery… and a surprising new romance. But will Rosa be able to solve the dilemma of her identity?
  • 一分钟经理人:时间管理


    《一分钟经理人》系列丛书言简意赅但是意义深远,它综合了现实生活中管理方面的成功经验,方法简单而行之有效。用故事的形式来阐释管理学,来解答困惑,并且提出 了一些管理方式,具有普遍的意义;本书中所提出的问题是日常性的,也许我们每天都会遇到,而提出的解答方式和观点也是常识性的,但往往也是最容易被我们所忽略的。知识和经验是十分宝贵的。前人有过的错误,可以不必再犯;前人成功的案例,则可以作为参考。我们编译本书希望它启迪人们的智慧,提高人们驾驭生活和工作的能力。
  • 仙之章


  • 诱你入局:左少情非得已


  • 地陷


  • 执政组织资源与执政党的组织建设


  • 我是偷儿


  • 老陶杂谈


  • 我这样爱着你


  • 麦子回家


  • 金陵爵

