
Realm of the Pagans


Martine is happily engaged to Kelvin until he unceremoniously dumps her in Greece. When handsome, arrogant Luke Leoros proposes instead, Martine is happy to accept--only to prove to Kelvin that she's over him.

But Luke is also no stranger to heartbreak--and after his own painful breakup, he no longer believes in love. Still, Martine finds herself irresistibly drawn to him--and his caresses set her blood on fire. When Kelvin returns and begs her to take him back, will Martine agree or stay with the man who stirs her passion and her heart?

第2章 (2020-09-28 11:31:04)
  • On the Edge of Gone

    On the Edge of Gone

    A thrilling, thought-provoking novel from one of young-adult literature's boldest new talents. January 29, 2035. That's the day the comet is scheduled to hit —the big one. Denise and her mother and sister, Iris, have been assigned to a temporary shelter outside their hometown of Amsterdam to wait out the blast, but Iris is nowhere to be found, and at the rate Denise's drug-addicted mother is going, they'll never reach the shelter in time. A last-minute meeting leads them to something better than a temporary shelter —a generation ship, scheduled to leave Earth behind to colonize new worlds after the comet hits. But everyone on the ship has been chosen because of their usefulness. Denise is autistic and fears that she'll never be allowed to stay. Can she obtain a spot before the ship takes flight? What about her mother and sister? When the future of the human race is at stake, whose lives matter most?
  • Dying to Know You
  • Troll


    "A wily thriller-fantasy … Each discovery sounds like the voice of a storyteller reminding us of how the gods play with our fates."New York TimesWinner of the Finlandia Award, Troll: A Love Story is an enchanting novel that has become an international sensation. Angel, a young photographer, comes home from a night of carousing to find a group of drunken teenagers in the courtyard of his apartment building, taunting a wounded, helpless young troll. He takes it in, not suspecting the dramatic consequences of this decision. What does one do with a troll in the city? As the troll's presence influences Angel's life in ways he could never have predicted, it becomes clear that the creature is the familiar of man's most forbidden feelings. A novel of sparkling originality, Troll is a wry, beguiling story of nature and man's relationship to wild things, and of the dark power of the wildness in ourselves.
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  • Obsessed (Book #12 in the Vampire Journals)

    Obsessed (Book #12 in the Vampire Journals)

    TURNED is a book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!
  • 万元归一诀


  • 余生都是关于你


    论有一个律师男朋友是怎样的体验,关关只能说我每次都忍住了打他的冲动。小剧场:一次约会后,下起了大雨。关关:余律师,雨这么大,你家就在这附近,我们先去你家吧。 余珵:婚前同居不合法。 关关:…… 后来。 关关:余律师,婚前同居不合法。 余珵:你记错了,是婚前同居不违法。 关关,卒。
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  • 快穿:男神,宿主有毒


    作为一只专业的快穿系统077,从来没见过这么吊炸天的宿主,一言不合拔刀放火崩剧情,077表示我也很绝望,总之:这个宿主绝对有毒。 一不小心撩到 某位男神,从此男神追妻遥遥无期。 沉麓:沈先生,最让你心动的一件事是什么? 沈先生:你是我的沈夫人。 077:楼上追上再出来秀好嘛,虐系统是犯法的。 女主外表无害前期内心冷淡绝情,男主腹黑背锅侠,1V1,不喜慎入。
  • 印噬混沌


  • 脱稿讲话的艺术:最佳口头表达能力速成秘诀


  • 假面公子,毒女狂枭倾天下


    她灰零,22世纪医药界的奇迹。和阎王签订条约,带着系统准备大干一番的她,宿体竟然是个女扮男装的废物“嫡子” ? 5岁就被扔到元兽之森自生自灭?10年后她依旧女扮男装。 诶?她7岁时救的那个男孩子竟找上门来了? 大哥,我是直的,不是断袖。 可是你是男的吗?...怎么办她不是。不过,怎么觉得自从一不小心把自己玩死了之后,这男的就有点不对劲。 灰零弦外音#好无聊啊,那死一死好了# 男人∶再敢死一次,我就把你锁在我身上,让你哪也去不了 137系统∶宿主你好像把他逼黑化了耶。 灰零无辜∶我哪有,不过就是嫌他跟着我,不好行动,所以我就去死了吗,那里逼迫他了? 【本文写开挂人生,受不了的切勿入坑。】
  • 末世之复仇崛起


  • 知知与终生


  • 重生之我为唐王

