

"Then clothe me in my robes and let us go forth," he said, "for Iwould speak my last words in the ears of men."So they put the surplice and hood upon his wasted form and went out, John preceding him holding on high the ivory crucifix, while the king and Hokosa supported him, one on either side.

Without his gate stood a low wooden platform, whence at times Owen had been accustomed to address any congregation larger than the church would contain.On this platform he took his seat.The moon was bright above him, and by it he could see that already his audience numbered some thousands of men, women and children.The news had spread that the wonderful white man, Messenger, wished to take his farewell of the nation, though even now many did not understand that he was dying, but imagined that he was about to leave the country, or, for aught they knew, to vanish from their sight into Heaven.For a moment Owen looked at the sea of dusky faces, then in the midst of an intense stillness, he spoke in a voice low indeed but clear and steady:--"My children," he said, "hear my last words to you.More than three years ago, in a far, far land and upon such a night as this, a Voice spoke to me from above commanding me to seek you out, to turn you from your idolatry and to lighten your darkness.I listened to the Voice, and hither I journeyed across sea and land, though how this thing might be done I could not guess.But to Him Who sent me all things are possible, and while yet I lingered upon the threshold of your country, in a dream were revealed to me events that were to come.So I appeared before you boldly, and knowing that he had been poisoned and that Icould cure him, I drew back your king from the mouth of death, and you said to yourselves: 'Behold a wizard indeed! Let us hear him.' Then Igave battle to your sorcerers yonder upon the plain, and from the foot of the Cross I teach, the lightnings were rolled back upon them and they were not.Look now, their chief stands at my side, among my disciples one of the foremost and most faithful.Afterwards troubles arose: your king died a Christian, and many of the people fell away;but still a remnant remained, and he who became king was converted to the truth.Now I have sown the seed, and the corn is ripe before my eyes, but it is not permitted that I should reap the harvest.My work is ended, my task is done, and I, the Messenger, return to make report to Him Who sent the message.

"Hear me yet a little while, for soon shall my voice be silent.'Icome not to bring peace, but a sword,'--so said the Master Whom Ipreach, and so say I, the most unworthy of His servants.Salvation cannot be bought at a little price; it must be paid for by the blood and griefs of men, and in blood and griefs must you pay, O my children.Through much tribulation must you also enter the kingdom of God.Even now the heathen is at your gates, and many of you shall perish on his spears, but I tell you that he shall not conquer.Be faithful, cling to the Cross, and do not dare to doubt your Lord, for He will be your Captain and you shall be His people.Cleave to your king, for he is good; and in the day of trial listen to the counsel of this Hokosa who once was the first of evil-doers, for with him goes my spirit, and he is my son in the spirit.

"My children, fare you well! Forget me not, for I have loved you; or if you will, forget me, but remember my teaching and hearken to those who shall tread upon the path I made.The peace of God be with you, the blessing of God be upon you, and the salvation of God await you, as it awaits me to-night! Friends, lead me hence to die."They turned to him, but before their hands touched him Thomas Owen fell forward upon the breast of Hokosa and lay there a while.Then suddenly, for the last time, he lifted himself and cried aloud:--"I have fought a good fight! I have finished my course! I have kept the faith! Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness...and not to me only, but to all those who love His appearing."Then his head fell back, his dark eyes closed, and the Messenger was dead.

Hokosa, the man who had murdered him, having lifted him up to show him to the people, amidst a sound of mighty weeping, took the body in his arms and bore it thence to make it ready for burial.

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