
第111章 What Befell Godwin(3)

"Then I promised and asked, 'What of Masouda?' He said that he rode back at speed to save her also, as had been arranged, and that was why he did not take me to Jerusalem himself.But how that was to be done he was not sure as yet; only he was sure that she was hidden away safely, and would find a way of escape when she wished it.And--and--you know the rest, and here, by the grace of God, we three are together again.""Ay," said Godwin, "but where is Masouda, and what will happen to her who has dared to venture such a plot as this? Oh! know you what this woman did? I was condemned to die in place of Wulf--how, does not matter; you will learn it afterwards--and the princess of Baalbec was brought to say me farewell.There, under the very eyes of Saladin, Masouda played her part and mimicked you so well that the Sultan was deceived, and I, even I, was deceived.Yes, when for the first and last time I embraced her, Iwas deceived, although, it is true, I wondered.Also since then a great fear has been with me, although here again I was deceived, for I thought I feared--for you.

"Now, hark you, Wulf; take Rosamund and lodge her with some lady in this city, or, better still, place her in sanctuary with the nuns of the Holy Cross, whence none will dare to drag her, and let her don their habit.The abbess may remember you, for we have met her, and at least she will not refuse Rosamund a refuge.""Yes, yes; I mind me she asked us news of folk in England.But you? Where do you go, Godwin?" said his brother.

"I? I ride back to Ascalon to find Masouda.""Why?" asked Wulf."Cannot Masouda save herself, as she told her uncle, the Arab, she would do? And has he not returned thither to take her away?""I do not know," answered Godwin; "but this I do know, that for the sake of Rosamund, and perhaps for my sake also, Masouda has run a fearful risk.Bethink you, what will be the mood of Saladin when at length he finds that she upon whom he had built such hopes has gone, leaving a waiting woman decked out in her attire.""Oh!" broke in Rosamund."I feared it, but I awoke to find myself disguised, and she persuaded me that all was well; also that this was done by the will of Wulf, whom she thought would escape.""That is the worst of if," said Godwin."To carry out her plan she held it necessary to lie, as I think she lied when she said that she believed we should both escape, though it is true that so it came about.I will tell you why she lied.It was that she might give her life to set you free to join me in Jerusalem."Now Rosamund, who knew the secret of Masouda's heart, looked at him strangely, wondering within herself how it came about that, thinking Wulf dead or about to die, she should sacrifice herself that she, Rosamund, might be sent to the care of Godwin.Surely it could not be for love of her, although they loved each other well.From love of Godwin then? How strange a way to show it!

Yet now she began to understand.So true and high was this great love of Masouda's that for Godwin's sake she was ready to hide herself in death, leaving him--now that, as she thought, his rival was removed--to live on with the lady whom he loved; ay, and at the price of her own life giving that lady to his arms.

Oh! how noble must she be who could thus plan and act, and, whatever her past had been, how pure and high of soul! Surely, if she lived, earth had no grander woman; and if she were dead, heaven had won a saint indeed.

Rosamund looked at Godwin, and Godwin looked at Rosamund, and there was understanding in their eyes, for now both of them saw the truth in all its glory and all its horror.

"I think that I should go back also," said Rosamund.

"That shall not be," answered Wulf."Saladin would kill you for this flight, as he has sworn.""That cannot be," added Godwin."Shall the sacrifice of blood be offered in vain? Moreover it is our duty to prevent you."Rosamund looked at him again and stammered:

" If--if--that dreadful thing has happened, Godwin--if the sacrifice--oh! what will it serve?""Rosamund, I know not what has chanced; I go to see.I care not what may chance; I go to meet it.Through life, through death, and if there be need, through all the fires of hell, I ride on till I find Masouda, and kneel to her in homage--""And in love," exclaimed Rosamund, as though the words broke from her lips against her will.

"Mayhap," Godwin answered, speaking more to himself than to her.

Then seeing the look upon his face, the set mouth and the flashing eyes, neither of them sought to stay him further.

"Farewell, my liege-lady and cousin Rosamund," Godwin said; "my part is played.Now I leave you in the keeping of God in heaven and of Wulf on earth.Should we meet no more, my counsel is that you two wed here in Jerusalem and travel back to Steeple, there to live in peace, if it may be so.Brother Wulf, fare you well also.We part to-day for the first time, who from our birth have lived together and loved together and done many a deed together, some of which we can look back upon without shame.Go on your course rejoicing, taking the love and gladness that Heaven has given you and living a good and Christian knight, mindful of the end which draws on apace, and of eternity beyond.""Oh! Godwin, speak not thus," said Wulf, "for in truth it breaks my heart to hear such fateful words.Moreover, we do not part thus easily.Our lady here will be safe enough among the nuns--more safe than I can keep her.Give me an hour, and I will set her there and join you.Both of us owe a debt to Masouda, and it is not right that it should be paid by you alone.""Nay," answered Godwin; "look upon Rosamund, and think what is about to befall this city.Can you leave her at such a time?"Then Wulf dropped his head, and trusting himself to speak no more words, Godwin mounted his horse, and, without so much as looking back, rode into the narrow street and out through the gateway, till presently he was lost in the distance and the desert.

Wulf and Rosamund watched him go in silence, for they were choked with tears.

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