
第60章 THE MAN ON TOP(2)

The fundamental fact of our time is the failure of the successful man.

Somehow we have so arranged the rules of the game that the winners are worthless for other purposes;they can secure nothing except the prize.

The very rich are neither aristocrats nor self-made men;they are accidents--or rather calamities.All revolutionary language is a generation behind the times in talking of their futility.Arevolutionist would say (with perfect truth)that coal-owners know next to nothing about coal-mining.But we are past that point.Coal-owners know next to nothing about coal-owning.They do not develop and defend the nature of their own monopoly with any consistent and courageous policy,however wicked,as did the old aristocrats with the monopoly of land.They have not the virtues nor even the vices of tyrants;they have only their powers.It is the same with all the powerful of to-day;it is the same,for instance,with the high-placed and high-paid official.Not only is the judge not judicial,but the arbiter is not even arbitrary.

The arbiter decides,not by some gust of justice or injustice in his soul like the old despot dooming men under a tree,but by the permanent climate of the class to which he happens to belong.The ancient wig of the judge is often indistinguishable from the old wig of the flunkey.

To judge about success or failure one must see things very simply;one must see them in masses,as the artist,half closing his eyes against details,sees light and shade.That is the only way in which a just judgment can be formed as to whether any departure or development,such as Islam or the American Republic,has been a benefit upon the whole.

Seen close,such great erections always abound in ingenious detail and impressive solidity;it is only by seeing them afar off that one can tell if the Tower leans.

Now if we thus take in the whole tilt or posture of our modern state,we shall simply see this fact:that those classes who have on the whole governed,have on the whole failed.If you go to a factory you will see some very wonderful wheels going round;you will be told that the employer often comes there early in the morning;that he has great organising power;that if he works over the colossal accumulation of wealth he also works over its wise distribution.All this may be true of many employers,and it is practically said of all.

But if we shade our eyes from all this dazzle of detail;if we simply ask what has been the main feature,the upshot,the final fruit of the capitalist system,there is no doubt about the answer.The special and solid result of the reign of the employers has been--unemployment.

Unemployment not only increasing,but becoming at last the very pivot upon which the whole process turns.

Or,again,if you visit the villages that depend on one of the great squires,you will hear praises,often just,of the landlord's good sense or good nature;you will hear of whole systems of pensions or of care for the sick,like those of a small and separate nation;you will see much cleanliness,order,and business habits in the offices and accounts of the estate.But if you ask again what has been the upshot,what has been the actual result of the reign of landlords,again the answer is plain.

At the end of the reign of landlords men will not live on the land.The practical effect of having landlords is not having tenants.The practical effect of having employers is that men are not employed.The unrest of the populace is therefore more than a murmur against tyranny;it is against a sort of treason.It is the suspicion that even at the top of the tree,even in the seats of the mighty,our very success is unsuccessful.

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