
第63章 CHAPTER IX(2)

Miss Branwell was unaware of the fermentation of unoccupied talent going on around her. She was not her nieces' confidante--perhaps no one so much older could have been; but their father, from whom they derived not a little of their adventurous spirit, was silently cognisant of much of which she took no note. Next to her nephew, the docile, pensive Anne was her favourite. Of her she had taken charge from her infancy; she was always patient and tractable, and would submit quietly to occasional oppression, even when she felt it keenly. Not so her two elder sisters; they made their opinions known, when roused by any injustice. At such times, Emily would express herself as strongly as Charlotte, although perhaps less frequently. But, in general, notwithstanding that Miss Branwell might be occasionally unreasonable, she and her nieces went on smoothly enough; and though they might now and then be annoyed by petty tyranny, she still inspired them with sincere respect, and not a little affection. They were, moreover, grateful to her for many habits she had enforced upon them, and which in time had become second nature: order, method, neatness in everything; a perfect knowledge of all kinds of household work; an exact punctuality, and obedience to the laws of time and place, of which no one but themselves, I have heard Charlotte say, could tell the value in after-life; with their impulsive natures, it was positive repose to have learnt implicit obedience to external laws. People in Haworth have assured me that, according to the hour of day--nay, the very minute--could they have told what the inhabitants of the parsonage were about. At certain times the girls would be sewing in their aunt's bedroom--the chamber which, in former days, before they had outstripped her in their learning, had served them as a schoolroom; at certain (early) hours they had their meals; from six to eight, Miss Branwell read aloud to Mr. Bronte; at punctual eight, the household assembled to evening prayers in his study;and by nine he, the aunt, and Tabby, were all in bed,--the girls free to pace up and down (like restless wild animals) in the parlour, talking over plans and projects, and thoughts of what was to be their future life.

At the time of which I write, the favourite idea was that of keeping a school. They thought that, by a little contrivance, and a very little additional building, a small number of pupils, four or six, might be accommodated in the parsonage. As teaching seemed the only profession open to them, and as it appeared that Emily at least could not live away from home, while the others also suffered much from the same cause, this plan of school-keeping presented itself as most desirable. But it involved some outlay; and to this their aunt was averse. Yet there was no one to whom they could apply for a loan of the requisite means, except Miss Branwell, who had made a small store out of her savings, which she intended for her nephew and nieces eventually, but which she did not like to risk. Still, this plan of school-keeping remained uppermost; and in the evenings of this winter of 1839-40, the alterations that would be necessary in the house, and the best way of convincing their aunt of the wisdom of their project, formed the principal subject of their conversation.

This anxiety weighed upon their minds rather heavily, during the months of dark and dreary weather. Nor were external events, among the circle of their friends, of a cheerful character. In January, 1840, Charlotte heard of the death of a young girl who had been a pupil of hers, and a schoolfellow of Anne's, at the time when the sisters were together at Roe Head; and had attached herself very strongly to the latter, who, in return, bestowed upon her much quiet affection. It was a sad day when the intelligence of this young creature's death arrived. Charlotte wrote thus on January 12th, 1840:-"Your letter, which I received this morning, was one of painful interest. Anne C., it seems, is DEAD; when I saw her last, she was a young, beautiful, and happy girl; and now 'life's fitful fever' is over with her, and she 'sleeps well.' I shall never see her again. It is a sorrowful thought; for she was a warm-hearted, affectionate being, and I cared for her. Wherever I seek for her now in this world, she cannot be found, no more than a flower or a leaf which withered twenty years ago. A bereavement of this kind gives one a glimpse of the feeling those must have who have seen all drop round them, friend after friend, and are left to end their pilgrimage alone. But tears are fruitless, and I try not to repine."During this winter, Charlotte employed her leisure hours in writing a story. Some fragments of the manuscript yet remain, but it is in too small a hand to be read without great fatigue to the eyes; and one cares the less to read it, as she herself condemned it, in the preface to the "Professor," by saying that in this story she had got over such taste as she might once have had for the "ornamental and redundant in composition." The beginning, too, as she acknowledges, was on a scale commensurate with one of Richardson's novels, of seven or eight volumes. I gather some of these particulars from a copy of a letter, apparently in reply to one from Wordsworth, to whom she had sent the commencement of the story, sometime in the summer of 1840.

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    啥米?偶死哩?啥米啥米?收错魂魄了?XXXOOOO……该死的阎王!该死的判官!该死的牛头!该死的马面!偶这么一个美丽无双、聪明盖世、前无古人、后无来者……(以下省略N字)的大美女就这么被你们轻轻松松的一句弄错了就给搞死哩?偶刚定做的限量跑车!!!偶刚做完的任务,还没收到的香香MONEY!你们赔偿我?行!那你们送偶回去吧!啥米?偶的身体已经毁的不能在毁了?回不去了?只能让偶重新投胎?在来一回?有没有搞错啊!!!啥米?条件任我开?随我选择?这个好!那偶要沉鱼落雁、闭月羞花的外貌。阎王点头,可以。偶要丰盈窈窕、婀娜多姿的体态。阎王点头。偶要疼偶爱偶奉偶为珍宝的家人。阎王点头。偶还要花不完的金山银山!阎王顿了下,点了点头。偶还要……还有……在有……阎王脖子已经僵住,起身来到女主身边,飞起一脚直接将女主踢到转生池中。转头怒视手下的人:“下回你们谁要是在给我做错事,我就把你们OOXX了!”“那个,阎王大人.”判官弱弱的出声。“有话说!有屁放!”阎王喊道。“您刚才忘记给她喝‘孟婆汤’了……”判官说完就躲到一边,生怕阎王把气撒到他身上。阎王青筋暴露吼道:“散会!”“是!”众人作鸟兽散。——————————此文帅哥多多,结局1对1,喜欢滴亲支持下点下收藏 ̄来张票票 ̄妖捧着香吻等着哦(*^__^*)...嘻嘻
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