
第13章 Ozma's Birthday Presents(3)

The Wizard and Dorothy were firm friends and had enjoyed many strange adventures together. He was a little man with a bald head and sharp eyes and a round, jolly face, and because he was neither haughty nor proud he had become a great favorite with the Oz people.

"Wizard," said Dorothy, "I want you to help me fix up a present for Ozma's birthday.""I'll be glad to do anything for you and for Ozma," he answered.

"What's on your mind, Dorothy?"

"I'm going to make a great cake, with frosting and candles, and all that, you know.""Very good," said the Wizard.

"In the center of this cake I'm going to leave a hollow place, with just a roof of the frosting over it," continued the girl.

"Very good," repeated the Wizard, nodding his bald head.

"In that hollow place," said Dorothy, "I want to hide a lot of monkeys about three inches high, and after the cake is placed on the banquet table, I want the monkeys to break through the frosting and dance around on the table-cloth. Then, I want each monkey to cut out a piece of cake and hand it to a guest.""Mercy me!" cried the little Wizard, as he chuckled with laughter.

"Is that ALL you want, Dorothy?"

"Almost," said she. "Can you think of anything more the little monkeys can do, Wizard?""Not just now," he replied. "But where will you get such tiny monkeys?""That's where you're to help me," said Dorothy. "In some of those wild forests in the Gillikin Country are lots of monkeys.""Big ones," said the Wizard.

"Well, you and I will go there, and we'll get some of the big monkeys, and you will make them small--just three inches high--by means of your magic, and we'll put the little monkeys all in a basket and bring them home with us. Then you'll train them to dance--up here in your room, where no one can see them--and on Ozma's birthday we'll put 'em into the cake and they'll know by that time just what to do."The Wizard looked at Dorothy with admiring approval, and chuckled again.

"That's really clever, my dear," he said, "and I see no reason why we can't do it, just the way you say, if only we can get the wild monkeys to agree to it.""Do you think they'll object?" asked the girl.

"Yes; but perhaps we can argue them into it. Anyhow it's worth trying, and I'll help you if you'll agree to let this Surprise Cake be a present to Ozma from you and me together. I've been wondering what I could give Ozma, and as I've got to train the monkeys as well as make them small, I think you ought to make me your partner.""Of course," said Dorothy; "I'll be glad to do so.""Then it's a bargain," declared the Wizard. "We must go to seek those monkeys at once, however, for it will take time to train them and we'll have to travel a good way to the Gillikin forests where they live.""I'm ready to go any time," agreed Dorothy. "Shall we ask Ozma to let us take the Sawhorse?"The Wizard did not answer that at once. He took time to think of the suggestion.

"No," he answered at length, "the Red Wagon couldn't get through the thick forests and there's some danger to us in going into the wild places to search for monkeys. So I propose we take the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger. We can ride on their backs as well as in the Red Wagon, and if there is danger to us from other beasts, these two friendly champions will protect us from all harm.""That's a splendid idea!" exclaimed Dorothy. "Let's go now and ask the Hungry Tiger and the Cowardly Lion if they will help us. Shall we ask Ozma if we can go?""I think not," said the Wizard, getting his hat and his black bag of magic tools. "This is to be a surprise for her birthday, and so she mustn't know where we're going. We'll just leave word, in case Ozma inquires for us, that we'll be back in a few days."

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    新书《王牌千金黑化了》 前世家破人亡,凄惨死去,重生回来,她就只有一个信念,报仇虐渣要狠,撩汉谈情要甜甜甜甜甜!再顺手建立自己的商业帝国,包养小哥哥。许潇潇:小哥哥~快到怀里来萧展:娘子~这是体力活~还是我来吧。许潇潇:你终于实现了自己梦想娶了我萧展一本正经:我最大的梦想是和你睡遍世界的主题酒店~本文一对一甜宠爽文。帅气小哥哥等你来撩~~~
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