

Owen advanced and examined the object.A glance told him that this god of the Amasuka was a meteoric stone of unusual size.Most of such stones are mere shapeless lumps, but this one bore a peculiar resemblance to a seated human being holding up one arm towards the sky.So strange was this likeness that, other reasons apart, it seemed not wonderful that savages should regard the thing with awe and veneration.Rather would it have been wonderful had they not done so.

"Say now," said Owen to the king when he had inspected the stone, "what is the history of this dumb god of yours, and why do you worship him?""Follow me across the stream and I will tell you, Messenger," answered the king, again glancing at the sky."The storm gathers, and when it breaks none are safe upon this plain except the heaven doctors such as Hokosa and his companions who can bind the lightning."So they went and when they reached the further side of the stream Umsuka descended from his litter.

"Messenger," he said, "this is the story of the god as it has come down to us.From the beginning our land has been scourged with lightning above all other lands, and with the floods of rain that accompany the lightning.In the old days the Great Place of the king was out yonder among the mountains, but every year fire from heaven fell upon it, destroying much people: and at length in a great tempest the house of the king of that day was smitten and burned, and his wives and children were turned to ashes.Then that king held a council of his wizards and fire-doctors, and these having consulted the spirits of their forefathers, retired into a place apart to fast and pray; yes, it was in yonder valley, the burying ground of kings, that they hid themselves.Now on the third night the God of Fire appeared to the chief of the doctors in his sleep, and he was shaped like a burning brand and smoke went up from him.Out of the smoke he spoke to the doctor, saying: 'For this reason it is that I torment your people, that they hate me and curse at me and pay me little honour.'

"In his dream the doctor answered: 'How can the people honour a god that they do not see?' Then the god said: 'Rise up now in the night, all the company of you, and go take your stand upon the banks of yonder stream, and I will fall down in fire from heaven, and there on the plain you shall find my image.Then let your king move his Great Place into the valley beneath the plain, and henceforth my bolts shall spare it and him.Only, month by month you shall make prayers and offerings to me; moreover, the name of the people shall be changed, for it shall be called the People of Fire.'

"Now the doctor rose, and having awakened his companions, he told them of his vision.Then they all of them went down to the banks of this stream where we now stand.And as they waited there a great tempest burst over them, and in the midst of that tempest they saw the flaming figure of a man descend from heaven, and when he touched the earth it shook.The morning came and there upon the plain before them, where there had been nothing, sat the likeness of the god as it sits to-day and shall sit for ever.So the name of this people was changed, and the king's Great Place was built where it now is.

"Since that day, Messenger, no hut has been burned and no man killed in or about the Great Place by fire from heaven, which falls only here where the god is, though away among the mountains and elsewhere men are sometimes killed.But wait a while and you shall see with your eyes.Hokosa, do you, whom the lightning will not touch, take that pole of dead wood and set it up yonder in the crevice of the rock not far from the figure of the god.""I obey," said Hokosa, "although I have brought no medicines with me.

Perhaps," he added with a faint sneer, "the white man, who is so great a wizard, will not be afraid to accompany me."Now Owen saw that all those present were looking at him curiously.It was evident they believed that he would not dare to accept the challenge.Therefore he answered at once and without hesitation:--"Certainly I will come; the pole is heavy for one man to carry, and where Hokosa goes, there I can go also.""Nay, nay, Messenger," said the king, "the lightning knows Hokosa and will turn from him, but you are a stranger to it and it will eat you up.""King," answered Owen, "I do not believe that Hokosa has any power over the lightning.It may strike him or it may strike me; but unless my God so commands, it will strike neither of us.""On your head be it, White Man," said Hokosa, with cold anger."Come, aid me with the pole."Then they lifted the dead tree, and between them carried it into the middle of the plain, where they set it up in a crevice of the rock.By this time the storm was almost over them, and watching it Owen perceived that the lightnings struck always along the bank of the stream, doubtless following a hidden line of the bed of ironstone.

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