
第27章 A CRISIS(1)

For a time I had no desire save to spend my life with the Little Ones.But soon other thoughts and feelings began to influence me.

First awoke the vague sense that I ought to be doing something;that I was not meant for the fattening of boors!Then it came to me that I was in a marvellous world,of which it was assuredly my business to discover the ways and laws;and that,if I would do anything in return for the children's goodness,I must learn more about them than they could tell me,and to that end must be free.Surely,Ithought,no suppression of their growth can be essential to their loveliness and truth and purity!Not in any world could the possibility exist of such a discord between constitution and its natural outcome!Life and law cannot be so at variance that perfection must be gained by thwarting development!But the growth of the Little Ones WAS arrested!something interfered with it:

what was it?Lona seemed the eldest of them,yet not more than fifteen,and had been long in charge of a multitude,in semblance and mostly in behaviour merest children,who regarded her as their mother!Were they growing at all?I doubted it.Of time they had scarcely the idea;of their own age they knew nothing!Lona herself thought she had lived always!Full of wisdom and empty of knowledge,she was at once their Love and their Law!But what seemed to me her ignorance might in truth be my own lack of insight!Her one anxiety plainly was,that her Little Ones should not grow,and change into bad giants!Their "good giant"was bound to do his best for them:without more knowledge of their nature,and some knowledge of their history,he could do nothing,and must therefore leave them!They would only be as they were before;they had in no way become dependent on me;they were still my protectors,I was not theirs;my presence but brought them more in danger of their idiotic neighbours!I longed to teach them many things:I must first understand more of those I would teach!Knowledge no doubt made bad people worse,but it must make good people better!I was convinced they would learn mathematics;and might they not be taught to write down the dainty melodies they murmured and forgot?

The conclusion was,that I must rise and continue my travels,in the hope of coming upon some elucidation of the fortunes and destiny of the bewitching little creatures.

My design,however,would not so soon have passed into action,but for what now occurred.

To prepare them for my temporary absence,I was one day telling them while at work that I would long ago have left the bad giants,but that I loved the Little Ones so much--when,as by one accord,they came rushing and crowding upon me;they scrambled over each other and up the tree and dropped on my head,until I was nearly smothered.With three very little ones in my arms,one on each shoulder clinging to my neck,one standing straight up on my head,four or five holding me fast by the legs,others grappling my body and arms,and a multitude climbing and descending upon these,I was helpless as one overwhelmed by lava.Absorbed in the merry struggle,not one of them saw my tyrant coming until he was almost upon me.

With just one cry of "Take care,good giant!"they ran from me like mice,they dropped from me like hedgehogs,they flew from me up the tree like squirrels,and the same moment,sharp round the stem came the bad giant,and dealt me such a blow on the head with a stick that I fell to the ground.The children told me afterwards that they sent him "such a many bumps of big apples and stones"that he was frightened,and ran blundering home.

When I came to myself it was night.Above me were a few pale stars that expected the moon.I thought I was alone.My head ached badly,and I was terribly athirst.

I turned wearily on my side.The moment my ear touched the ground,I heard the gushing and gurgling of water,and the soft noises made me groan with longing.At once I was amid a multitude of silent children,and delicious little fruits began to visit my lips.They came and came until my thirst was gone.

Then I was aware of sounds I had never heard there before;the air was full of little sobs.

I tried to sit up.A pile of small bodies instantly heaped itself at my back.Then I struggled to my feet,with much pushing and pulling from the Little Ones,who were wonderfully strong for their size.

"You must go away,good giant,"they said."When the bad giants see you hurt,they will all trample on you.""I think I must,"I answered.

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