

Fifty Indians and Chinamen asleep in a big tent in the waist of the ship forward; they lie side by side with no space between; the former wrapped up, head and all, as in the Indian streets, the Chinamen uncovered; the lamp and things for opium smoking in the center.

A passenger said it was ten 2-ton truck loads of dynamite that lately exploded at Johannesburg. Hundreds killed; he doesn't know how many;limbs picked up for miles around. Glass shattered, and roofs swept away or collapsed 200 yards off; fragment of iron flung three and a half miles.

It occurred at 3 p.m.; at 6, L65,000 had been subscribed. When this passenger left, L35,000 had been voted by city and state governments and L100,000 by citizens and business corporations. When news of the disaster was telephoned to the Exchange L35,000 were subscribed in the first five minutes. Subscribing was still going on when he left; the papers had ceased the names, only the amounts--too many names; not enough room. L100,000 subscribed by companies and citizens; if this is true, it must be what they call in Australia "a record"--the biggest instance of a spontaneous outpour for charity in history, considering the size of the population it was drawn from, $8 or $10 for each white resident, babies at the breast included.

Monday, May 4. Steaming slowly in the stupendous Delagoa Bay, its dim arms stretching far away and disappearing on both sides. It could furnish plenty of room for all the ships in the world, but it is shoal.

The lead has given us 3 1/2 fathoms several times and we are drawing that, lacking 6 inches.

A bold headland--precipitous wall, 150 feet high, very strong, red color, stretching a mile or so. A man said it was Portuguese blood--battle fought here with the natives last year. I think this doubtful. Pretty cluster of houses on the tableland above the red-and rolling stretches of grass and groups of trees, like England.

The Portuguese have the railroad (one passenger train a day) to the border--70 miles--then the Netherlands Company have it. Thousands of tons of freight on the shore--no cover. This is Portuguese allover--indolence, piousness, poverty, impotence.

Crews of small boats and tugs, all jet black woolly heads and very muscular.

Winter. The South African winter is just beginning now, but nobody but an expert can tell it from summer. However, I am tired of summer; we have had it unbroken for eleven months. We spent the afternoon on shore, Delagoa Bay. A small town--no sights. No carriages. Three 'rickshas, but we couldn't get them--apparently private. These Portuguese are a rich brown, like some of the Indians. Some of the blacks have the long horse beads and very long chins of the negroes of the picture books; but most of them are exactly like the negroes of our Southern States round faces, flat noses, good-natured, and easy laughers.

Flocks of black women passed along, carrying outrageously heavy bags of freight on their heads. The quiver of their leg as the foot was planted and the strain exhibited by their bodies showed what a tax upon their strength the load was. They were stevedores and doing full stevedores work. They were very erect when unladden--from carrying heavy loads on their heads--just like the Indian women. It gives them a proud fine carriage.

Sometimes one saw a woman carrying on her head a laden and top-heavy basket the shape of an inverted pyramid-its top the size of a soup-plate, its base the diameter of a teacup. It required nice balancing--and got it.

No bright colors; yet there were a good many Hindoos.

The Second Class Passenger came over as usual at "lights out" (11) and we lounged along the spacious vague solitudes of the deck and smoked the peaceful pipe and talked. He told me an incident in Mr. Barnum's life which was evidently characteristic of that great showman in several ways:

This was Barnum's purchase of Shakespeare's birthplace, a quarter of a century ago. The Second Class Passenger was in Jamrach's employ at the time and knew Barnum well. He said the thing began in this way. One morning Barnum and Jamrach were in Jamrach's little private snuggery back of the wilderness of caged monkeys and snakes and other commonplaces of Jamrach's stock in trade, refreshing themselves after an arduous stroke of business, Jamrach with something orthodox, Barnum with something heterodox--for Barnum was a teetotaler. The stroke of business was in the elephant line. Jamrach had contracted to deliver to Barnum in New York 18 elephants for $360,000 in time for the next season's opening.

Then it occurred to Mr. Barnum that he needed a "card" He suggested Jumbo. Jamrach said he would have to think of something else--Jumbo couldn't be had; the Zoo wouldn't part with that elephant. Barnum said he was willing to pay a fortune for Jumbo if he could get him. Jamrach said it was no use to think about it; that Jumbo was as popular as the Prince of Wales and the Zoo wouldn't dare to sell him; all England would be outraged at the idea; Jumbo was an English institution; he was part of the national glory; one might as well think of buying the Nelson monument. Barnum spoke up with vivacity and said:

  • 艺增篇


  • 重修台湾府志


  • Areopagitica


  • 竹坡诗话


  • 补续高僧传


  • 大元王朝4


  • 无上剑尊


  • 妃冠天下:皇上别来无恙


  • 黑客青梅


  • 棠棣之殇:曹植传


  • 使命的召唤


  • 创业,名人说


    创业,一个令人激情澎湃的词汇! 如今的世界已不再是书本上的那个世界,比尔?盖茨、乔布斯等人不断用自身的经历一次次颠覆古人的生命轨迹,创造一个又一个商业奇迹,各自打造出属于自己的财富王国的同时,集万千光环于一身,成为当今世界无愧于世的英雄人物。 如今的中国也已不再是百年前的中国,九州各地生机勃勃,社会万象日新月异,马云、史玉柱、李彦宏等人投身商海,毅然创业,一朝成名,成为中国新时代的英雄,吸引万千有志青年走上创业之路。这是一个创业的时代,这是一个英雄辈出的时代! 编者与优米网合作,精心挑选了11位成功者的谈话,编纂了此书。虽然他们有男有女,有老有少,涉及不同行业......
  • Henry IV

    Henry IV

  • 中国美学通史4(隋唐五代卷)


    《中国美学通史》是关于中国历史上美学思想的发展史。美学是对审美活动的理论性思考,是表现为理论形态的审美意识,所以这部美学通史不同于审美文化史、审美风尚史等著作。 这部《中国美学通史》是由教育部文科重点研究基地北京大学美学与美育研究中心组织编写的。由汤凌云著,叶朗任主编。 这部美学通史共有八卷,分别是先秦卷、汉代卷、魏晋南北朝卷、隋唐五代卷、宋金元卷、明代卷、清代卷、现代卷。
  • 营销的真理

