

The remembrance of this paradise reminds me that it was at Hobart that we struck the head of the procession of Junior Englands. We were to encounter other sections of it in New Zealand, presently, and others later in Natal. Wherever the exiled Englishman can find in his new home resemblances to his old one, he is touched to the marrow of his being;the love that is in his heart inspires his imagination, and these allied forces transfigure those resemblances into authentic duplicates of the revered originals. It is beautiful, the feeling which works this enchantment, and it compels one's homage; compels it, and also compels one's assent--compels it always--even when, as happens sometimes, one does not see the resemblances as clearly as does the exile who is pointing them out.

The resemblances do exist, it is quite true; and often they cunningly approximate the originals--but after all, in the matter of certain physical patent rights there is only one England. Now that I have sampled the globe, I am not in doubt. There is a beauty of Switzerland, and it is repeated in the glaciers and snowy ranges of many parts of the earth; there is a beauty of the fiord, and it is repeated in New Zealand and Alaska; there is a beauty of Hawaii, and it is repeated in ten thousand islands of the Southern seas; there is a beauty of the prairie and the plain, and it is repeated here and there in the earth; each of these is worshipful, each is perfect in its way, yet holds no monopoly of its beauty; but that beauty which is England is alone--it has no duplicate.

It is made up of very simple details--just grass, and trees, and shrubs, and roads, and hedges, and gardens, and houses, and vines, and churches, and castles, and here and there a ruin--and over it all a mellow dream-haze of history. But its beauty is incomparable, and all its own.

Hobart has a peculiarity--it is the neatest town that the sun shines on;and I incline to believe that it is also the cleanest. However that may be, its supremacy in neatness is not to be questioned. There cannot be another town in the world that has no shabby exteriors; no rickety gates and fences, no neglected houses crumbling to ruin, no crazy and unsightly sheds, no weed-grown front-yards of the poor, no back-yards littered with tin cans and old boots and empty bottles, no rubbish in the gutters, no clutter on the sidewalks, no outer-borders fraying out into dirty lanes and tin-patched huts. No, in Hobart all the aspects are tidy, and all a comfort to the eye; the modestest cottage looks combed and brushed, and has its vines, its flowers, its neat fence, its neat gate, its comely cat asleep on the window ledge.

We had a glimpse of the museum, by courtesy of the American gentleman who is curator of it. It has samples of half-a-dozen different kinds of marsupials--[A marsupial is a plantigrade vertebrate whose specialty is its pocket. In some countries it is extinct, in the others it is rare.

The first American marsupials were Stephen Girard, Mr. Aston and the opossum; the principal marsupials of the Southern Hemisphere are Mr. Rhodes, and the kangaroo. I, myself, am the latest marsupial. Also, Imight boast that I have the largest pocket of them all. But there is nothing in that.]--one, the " Tasmanian devil;" that is, I think he was one of them. And there was a fish with lungs. When the water dries up it can live in the mud. Most curious of all was a parrot that kills sheep. On one great sheep-run this bird killed a thousand sheep in a whole year. He doesn't want the whole sheep, but only the kidney-fat.

This restricted taste makes him an expensive bird to support. To get the fat he drives his beak in and rips it out; the wound is mortal. This parrot furnishes a notable example of evolution brought about by changed conditions. When the sheep culture was introduced, it presently brought famine to the parrot by exterminating a kind of grub which had always thitherto been the parrot's diet. The miseries of hunger made the bird willing to eat raw flesh, since it could get no other food, and it began to pick remnants of meat from sheep skins hung out on the fences to dry.

It soon came to prefer sheep meat to any other food, and by and by it came to prefer the kidney-fat to any other detail of the sheep. The parrot's bill was not well shaped for digging out the fat, but Nature fixed that matter; she altered the bill's shape, and now the parrot can dig out kidney-fat better than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or anybody else, for that matter--even an Admiral.

And there was another curiosity--quite a stunning one, I thought: Arrow-heads and knives just like those which Primeval Man made out of flint, and thought he had done such a wonderful thing--yes, and has been humored and coddled in that superstition by this age of admiring scientists until there is probably no living with him in the other world by now. Yet here is his finest and nicest work exactly duplicated in our day; and by people who have never heard of him or his works: by aborigines who lived in the islands of these seas, within our time. And they not only duplicated those works of art but did it in the brittlest and most treacherous of substances--glass: made them out of old brandy bottles flung out of the British camps; millions of tons of them. It is time for Primeval Man to make a little less noise, now. He has had his day. He is not what he used to be. We had a drive through a bloomy and odorous fairy-land, to the Refuge for the Indigent--a spacious and comfortable home, with hospitals, etc., for both sexes. There was a crowd in there, of the oldest people I have ever seen. It was like being suddenly set down in a new world--a weird world where Youth has never been, a world sacred to Age, and bowed forms, and wrinkles. Out of the 359 persons present, 223, were ex-convicts, and could have told stirring tales, no doubt, if they had been minded to talk; 42 of the 359 were past 80, and several were close upon 90; the average age at death there is 76 years.

As for me, I have no use for that place; it is too healthy. Seventy is old enough--after that, there is too much risk. Youth and gaiety might vanish, any day--and then, what is left? Death in life; death without its privileges, death without its benefits. There were 185 women in that Refuge, and 81 of them were ex-convicts.

The steamer disappointed us. Instead of making a long visit at Hobart, as usual, she made a short one. So we got but a glimpse of Tasmania, and then moved on.

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  • 痫门


  • 战族传说(3)


  • 倾城恋之儒女冠华


  • 上海·一九三七


  • 初见葵色日光


  • 灰色的中山装:人在职场,身不由己


  • 几度归期


  • 琉花易冷


  • 背叛 (龙人日志系列#3)

    背叛 (龙人日志系列#3)

    “《背叛》扣人心弦的结尾会让读者欲罢不能,《背叛》因其紧凑的节奏,可以获得一个绝对的好评。”,是一个非常富有想象力的故事。”--The Dallas Examiner在《背叛》一书中(龙人日志系列#3),凯特琳潘恩从深度昏迷中醒来,发现自己已经被转变了。成了一个真正的,完整的龙人,她惊叹于自己的新能力,包括她的飞行能力和她超人的力量。她发现,她的真爱,迦勒,仍然在她身边,耐心地等待着她恢复。她拥有一切她所梦想的东西。直到这一切,突然间,可怕的事情出现了。凯特琳惊恐地发现,迦勒和他的前妻,塞拉,在一起。在迦勒还没有解释机会的时候,凯特琳就让他离开。凯特琳心灰意冷,十分迷茫,想蜷缩起来,等死,她唯一的安慰就是,她的狼幼崽——玫瑰。她的新环境也让凯特琳倍感安慰。她来到哈得逊河一个隐藏的岛屿上——Pollepel——发现了一群由十几岁的龙人组成的精英家庭,这里有男有女,总共24个人,包括她在内。她得知,这是被抛弃之人来的地方,就像她一样。在这里她遇到了她最好的朋友,波利,然后在精英龙人战中开始了她的训练,她意识到,她可能终于有了一个可以叫做家的地方。但是,一场龙人大战迫在眉睫,而她的弟弟山姆依然在外,被萨曼莎绑架。邪恶的凯尔,现在也挥舞着的神魔之剑,依旧立志掀起战争,他会不惜一切代价消灭纽约。凯特琳,尽管她有了新家,尽管在这里找到了新欢,但她知道,她不会永远留在这个岛上,当她的命运召唤她的时候,就得离开。毕竟,她仍然是那一个天选之子,所有的眼睛仍然期待着她,找到她的父亲和其他能拯救他们的武器。在感情方面,她在新朋友和迦勒之间挣扎,她必须决定,自己真心到底在谁身上,她是否愿意去冒这个险,不顾一切找到迦勒,让他重新回到她的生命中……“《背叛》是这个系列的第三部。是摩根赖斯这个系列的佼佼者。充满了动作、爱情、冒险和悬念。如果你还没有读过她的前两部小说,那就赶快去读把,然后就可以着手《背叛》了!”--DragonmenBookSite“《背叛》有着浪漫的爱情,扣人心弦的情节,有很多动作打斗,节奏紧凑。摩根赖斯让故事更上了一个台阶。故事里有好多精彩的惊喜,不读完你肯定都舍不得放手。--The Romance Reviews