
第37章 关于信念(13)

  • The Graces
  • Someone Is Bleeding

    Someone Is Bleeding

    Young novelist Dave Newton is instantly smitten when he meets blonde, beautiful Peggy. But Peggy has a past full of abuse and terror—and she's involved with Jerry, a lawyer with mob connections and an old rival from Dave's college days. Soon, Dave finds himself caught in a love triangle with Peggy and Jerry, desperate to win her affections. But when corpses begin to pile up in Peggy's wake, Dave must face the truth that either Jerry is a mass murderer—or Peggy is.
  • Magic and Other Misdemeanors (The Sisters Grimm #5

    Magic and Other Misdemeanors (The Sisters Grimm #5

    Fans of fractured fairy tales will be delighted to discover the fantasy, mystery, adventure, and humor in the beloved New York Times bestselling Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley, now with new cover art. The nine wildly popular books are favorites around the world. They were among the first books to bring a distinctly girl-power spin to fairy tales—a trend followed by hit television series and movies such as Grimm and Maleficent; the bestselling book series the Land of Stories; and more. Now, books one through six in this smash-hit series appear with new covers, with books seven, eight, and nine available as revised editions soon.
  • Sergeant Lamb's America

    Sergeant Lamb's America

    The first in a two-book series, Sergeant Lamb's America tells the story Sergeant Roger Lamb, an Irish soldier who served on the British side during the American War of Independence. Based on real historical events and people, Sergeant Lamb recounts the British defeat and the capture of his unit at the Battle of Saratoga in a voice that's both funny, insightful, and wise.This fictionalized account is based on the journals of the historical Sergeant Roger Lamb, and is largely faithful to the true eyewitness account of the American Revolution told from the loser's perspective. With his engaging, personable voice and basic decency of character, Sergeant Lamb reminds us that regardless of how history casts the British side, there were good men on both sides of this important conflict.
  • The Everafter War (Sisters Grimm #7)

    The Everafter War (Sisters Grimm #7)

    Picking up after the dramatic cliffhanger that ended Book Six, Sabrina and Daphne's prayers are finally answered when their parents awake from their sleeping spell. But their happy reunion is short-lived, as they are caught in the middle of a war between the Scarlet Hand and Prince Charming's Everafter army. As the family works to help the prince's ragtag group of rebels and protect their friends, Sabrina comes face-to-face with the family's deadliest enemy—the mysterious Master—who reveals a secret so shocking it will rock the entire family to its core.
  • 蜜爱娇妻,冷帝的心尖宠


  • 得力之死


  • 撞南怀


  • 皇后之妹


  • 晚风还新时光却匆匆老去


  • 掌娇


  • 翻新你的大脑


    思考力、分析力是长于逻辑思考的左脑的两项最核心思维模式。考虑到 两者之间的不同之处,《翻新你的大脑(跟李教授学左脑思维养成法)》由李 夏所著,在结构上便以此分为两部分来分开论述。书中先是指出了人们在思 考分析问题时存在的常见误区以及不良,进而,从根本上对于思考、分析这 两种思维方式进行了全面的论述,告诉人们究竟什么样的“思考”、“分析 ”才是真正有效的,并告诉了人们一些具体的方法去提升这两项能力。另外 ,作者还对思考分析能力与知识的关系、思考分析能力与直觉的关系等进行 了论述。总体上,作者既在对思考分析能力进行了一个全面的阐述,又在实 践上为人们提出了切实可行的提升方法。
  • 故河口物语Ⅱ


  • The Fashion Insiders' Guide to New York
  • 仁王般若经陀罗尼念诵轨仪

