

Most of the characters in this book are followers of the Afro-Brazilian religion Umbanda, which contains elements of macumba, Roman Catholicism and South American Indian practices. The definitions below pertain specifically to Umbanda.

orixá (orisha)—generic designation for the divinities worshipped by the Yoruba from the southwest of Nigeria, Benin and the north of Togo, taken with the slaves to Brazil, where they found their way into a number of Afro-Brazilian religions, including Umbanda.

Exu—messenger of the spirits.

exu(s)—each of many entities of an inferior spiritual plane, who oscillate between good and evil.

pombagira—a female exu, who speaks through a medium and is often consulted by believers seeking advice about the future, protection and/or revenge.

terreiro —indoor or outdoor site where Afro-Brazilian religious rites are held.

The original Portuguese term for "bundle" (of marijuana) is trouxa, which, according to the author, contained a small amount of marijuana, enough for approximately two joints. The marijuana was packaged for sale in whatever was at hand (plastic, paper, old sports lottery tickets), hence the choice of "bundle" as a translation for trouxa, which doesn't actually describe the material used in the packaging.

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